Is your healthy regime not giving you wt. loss. If despite of eating carefully and following a healthy regime,you have gained wt. or not lose any, then there must be something which is going wrong.
How fruits help in weight loss? when it comes to losing weight,what you eat is as important as what you do not.And,eating fruits can be fabulous way to lose weight.Lets see 1. Fruit has fat metabolising enzymes that help to increase the rate at which fat is converted to energy. 2.Fruits also contain...
Read MorelOVE your body
Before your daily shower, brush/massage your skin from head to toe using small, quick circular movements. Brushing/massaging your skin for 5 minutes a day helps increase circulation and may help to break down fatty deposits within your body.
Read Morefood to help you sleep better
How food and drink affect your sleep What you eat and drink before bed can affect your sleep. For example, foods containing the amino acid tryptophana building block of the sleep-related chemical serotonincould help you sleep, although evidence is mixed as to whether the amount in food is enough to...
It is common for people who's professions keep them walking, climbing stairs, or moving throughout the day to have better cardiovascular health than those who work out strenuously once a day, but remain sitting the rest of the time.
Read MoreBanana- Super food for the glowing skin
Everyone wants to look younger than their age.Its tough to maintain ageing skin after 40s,but not impossible.This happens because our skin loses elasticity and wrinkle appears.At this age our body slows down the synthesis of collagen which is important to keep your skin tonned,firm and bright.
Read MoreBreak your fast-Breakfast
When you eat breakfast, your metabolism gets jump-started for the day. If you skip it, your metabolism will slow down into conservation mode leading to weight gain! so go ahead and make yourself some nice and healthy breakfast.
Read MoreOver weight and undernourished?
Did you ever thought that Overweight people may be undernourished, meaning there are moderate to severe deficiencies in multiple nutrients for lot of overweight people. While this concept sounds backwards, it makes sense when you consider that they may be eating a lot of fast and processed foods, wh...
Read Moreweight loss with diet or exercise or both?
One should diet alone to loose weight or exercise? or both this is a common question which comes to everybody's mind once they start their weight loss journey. here is the answer to this riddle.
Read MoreFriendly neighbourhood superfoods
Move over quinoa and blueberries,check these delicious local options that are as good as their imported buddies. Karonda:-not just a pretty berry,its a powerhouse of antioxidants.
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