Weight Management
Losing weight in a healthy way does not involve starving or deprivation. Losing weight slowly with healthy eating pattern will help you to lose and maintain weight for a long term and will make you fit. If you have tired of suffering through one diet after another without getting the results you want? Then try our one of the best ayurvedic diets for weight loss. The foods that are included in the Ayurvedic diet plan for weight loss initiate the innate intelligence of the body.
Detox Diet Plans
The body needs to be detoxified to improve the receptivity of nutrient. It never means starving your body. Detoxification not only helps improve your skin, but also speed up digestion, boost energy levels and helps shed some extra kilos from your body and make your skin glow. Dr.Deepika's Wellness is one of the best diet clinic in gurgaon provide you the healthiest way to lose weight. Our detox diets are generally short-term dietary interventions designed to eliminate toxins from your body.
Corporate Diet Plans
Corporate life style is often tallied with long working hours, sometimes clinging to the chair and constantly staring at computers 8-10 hours. Almost no movement. Our diet plans for corporate help them to improve energy levels, preventing life style disorders and improving overall health. We are among the top diet clinic in Gurgaon where you will get the proper advice of your health. Dr. Deepika helps corporate companies to maintain their employees health by providing a proper diet plan.
Skin and Hair Rejuvenating Diets
Our skin and hair rejuvenating diet will help you to improve your skin quality, adding more glows to your face, improving hair texture and let hair to grow healthy.
Pre/Post Pregnancy Diet Plans
Moms should be healthy to bring up a healthy baby. Nourishment of a women pre /post pregnancy is a must so that she can keep herself healthy and the child as well. Our special diet plans meet the need of mothers.
Wedding/Bridal Diet Consultation
Everyone wants to look special on this occasion. When it comes to Bridal, all focus goes on skin and fitness. Our skin is a mirror image of what our diet is? Our bridal diet plan helps repair your skin and make it glow.