navratre special- Appe
2 tbsp samak rice ( barnyard millet)
1 tbsp sour curd
1/4th cup chopped palak
1 small piece of ginger
1 tbsp finely chopped coriander
1/2 tsp zeera
1 tsp green chilly chopped
sendha namak to taste
1/4th tsp crushed black pepper
water to make batter.
1 tsp desi ghee
Soak samak rice in water for 2 hrs. put ginger and soaked samak rice in a mixy jar and make thick batter by adjusting water. Take a mixing bowl, add batter, curd , salt, chopped chilly , spinach, zeera ,chopped coriander, black pepper and mix well. let it rest for 15-20 mins. after 15 mins if it has become thick adjust water and salt for making appe.
Grease your appe pan with desi ghee. put the batter into the appe pan and cook until one side is cooked . Then turn upside down with the help of a spoon and cook .
Serve with some tomato or dhania chutney.
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